
8k visits & new blog domain

If you call someone a sandnigger on the comments of a random Facebook page, expect them to inexplicably reply back implying you are a nigger yourself (even though you are white as fuck, since you don't go out of your house to catch sunlight), Starting All Words With Capital Letter. Oh, did I mention all of them have "Mohammed" in their names? Yeah, they do.

I noticed that for some shitty reason this blog's domain (SomewhereDownTheLane dot tk) stopped working and to register it again I would have to pay for it. Yeah, right.
So I went browsing for another free domain provider with no ads. I remembered of (which is dead since November 2012, time passes so quickly doesn't it?) and that is was blocked by Google, and since I got fuckillions of views due to people searching on Google for "Toaster Steve", I needed a good alive alternative.
So yeah, as you can see, I found it. The blog is now accessible at

And speaking of visits, when I opened the blog dashboard to post this I noticed it had exactly 8000 views.

Here's some blog stats.


  1. Anonymous said...

    I see is pretty good. I was used to

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Informer, ya' no say dadda me Snow me I'll go blame
A licky boom-boom down
Detective mon a says a did a me Snow me stab somewhere down the lane
A licky boom-boom down