
How about no.

This post was made to be understandable by regular users of the Unreal Software forums
  (like the previous one).

How about fuck y... wait, how about no.

Let me >greentext this.

>find this thread
>thinks that is a good idea to use the "How about no" meme on it
>remembers of the rule 
rules §5.3 - No memes, ASCII art or comparable fun pictures! Go to 4Chan with those!
(Go to 4Chan with those - kinda ironic I'm using greentext at the momment)
>tries to refrain from inputting meme
>do not want
>links the image to text instead of displaying it
>I'm a fucking genius
>less than 10 minutes later
>3 days ban
>3 days
>by ohass ohaz

So basically, I got banned 3 days. Yes, not one, not two, three!
I'm not even going to say anything else, besides... is Ohaz doing a good job as a moderator in
How about no.

You decide. In the comments. Go.